Friday, April 22, 2011

Red Versus Blue Equals Green

I never really liked Obama, but I was pretty sure GW Bush didn't set the presidential bar too high for him.  I mean, those aren't very big shoes (or boots) to fill.  But Obama's administration hasn't delivered on anything.  At least not anything good.  From a political leadership perspective, the U.S. is 0-for-the-2000's.

The "success" of politicians is now measured by how much they can make you hate their political opponents.  There is a ton of money in that! 
I am registered as an independent voter, so I get requests for contributions from both Republicans and Democrats.  They generally read:

 "I need your help!  I need your financial support!  If the other side wins, your quality of life will be reduced immeasurably.  Without your generous support, you and your family will suffer horribly.  But fortunately for you, dear donor, I can save you all.  But not without your help.  Help me reach my 1st (2nd, 3rd) quarter grassroots donation goal.  Send a message loud and clear to those who would ruin our country that you will fight with me!!!  Please click on the link below to conveniently and safely make your commitment online now."

What a bunch of bullshit!  I have much more respect for transients sitting on a median strip with a tattered cardboard sign than I have for political money-grubbers.  At least the transients don't pretend that by giving them money I am saving myself. 

Sadly, people send self-serving politicians millions and millions of dollars!  They've divided the United States into Reds States and Blue States.  Red vs. Blue.  Just like Norteno and Sureno gangs, and Blood and Crip gangs.  Dishonest, unproductive, self-serving individuals joining forces to compete for available resources.

The people who write checks to politicians are the real problem.  A lot of enablers are drinking the Kool-Aid and writing checks.  I guess that means the current system of governing is working for the politicians, if no one else. 

Did you know that if you close your eyes and hold you nose, cherry Kool-aid and grape Kool-aid taste pretty much the same?  They only make them different colors so you'll think they are different.  In reality, they are virtually the same thing, and neither one is good for you.